Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 1: Clear

University of Florida classes started on August 23rd. So far its been a week and I have been lucky that I haven't been swamped with work yet. I am taking four classes this semester so it should get busy pretty soon. I am pretty excited since this is my last semester at UF. Yes it is true, I am graduating!

I took this last semester (spring) off of real school and did a study abroad alone in Denmark. Overall it was a good experience but the best part was living in Europe for 5 months and traveling for a total of 9 months. It was an experience that I wont forget for the rest of my life.

Here is a picture of me in Venice, Italy in Marco Polo Square cover in pigeons. It was pretty cold that day.

For this post I would like to talk about what I have learned so far in my Computing in Business Environment class.

For the first week we focused on
  • Search Engines
  • Netiquette
  • Copyright 
I already know a fair bit about search engines and how they work ( I coded my own once). The basic idea is that a search engine uses bots which go out and retrieve data by crawling a site and send it back to build a database on their servers. The database is then ranked and made search-able using usually keywords.

Copyright is fairly straightforward to me. Basically an idea can not be copyrighted but someones work usually can be. If someone is however in a public institution like a school sometimes they can get around copyright law for teaching and learning purposes.

The section on netiquette though was a nice read, I felt that it kind of brought me back to the idea of how the internet is suppose to run. Basically netiquette is the rules made up by the users of the internet to help themselves and other users of the internet move through it easier. This includes helping people out when you know the answer to something and using all CAPS means yelling.

Overall the information presented from this week was clear to me. I am looking forward to the next week in the class. There is a number of video lectures on computer hardware. I find it hard sometimes to keep up with the latest technology. So I am thinking that I will be able to learn about some new technology that I am not familiar with.

Well that is it for now. I will blog soon so please stay tuned!