Sunday, October 24, 2010

Presentations and Web 2.0 Project

To start off I would like to say how much I enjoyed working on this project. Here is a link to my presentation on .

Now I would like to evaluate my own project.

Is there a logical flow and sequence of content? How could it be improved?
Yes, I feel that there is a logical flow of ideals and sequence of content. I do not think that I could have improved any.

Does the presenter anticipate questions and answer them in the right place? At what points did you have questions that were not answered? Yes, I feel that I did try to anticipate questions in the right place. It can be hard since you are the one that researched the project. Now you have to go back and see it from the perspective of someone who knows nothing about it. I did not have any questions that were left unanswered.

Did the presenter grab your attention in the first 30-60 seconds? I think that I definitely grabbed peoples attention when in the first slide with the slogan "loans that changes lives." Anyone would questions what this could mean and what is Kiva. I also grabbed peoples attention with explaining microloans since it may be a new and interesting concept for them.

Did the presenter ask questions and spark your curiosity? I asked questions that went along with the logical flow and I feel that I did spark curiosity in Kiva and microloans.

Did the presenter set the context with a concise explanation? Is it clear what the presenter is trying to share?
Yes I feel that it is clear what I was trying to share.

Did the presenter validate any claims? Yes the claims were validated since I say that the information is directly from

Did the presenter avoid inconsistencies and errors, typos and unbelievable claims? I do not believe there is any typos.

How well did the presenter avoid clutter? I think that I avoided clutter well by limiting the amount of text per slide.

What did the presenter do to ensure readability? I used a white background with black text and easy triadic color on the side.

Did the presenter say it, and then show it or did he/she read the slides? I did read along with the slides however I tried to add and show information that was not written.

Overall I think the biggest thing that I learned was how to make a presentation in powerpoint with narrative audio. Before this project I had never even heard about doing that or even seen it before. I also learned how to upload my presentation to I had already made a storyboard before since I am in advertising but it definitely helped with this project. I could see myself making a presentation like this for a company. It is easy to do and you never have to worry about messing up your lines or stage fright anxiety. This is important for me because I really do not like getting up in front of people.  I wish that I had of leaned about this a long time ago.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to comment on my original post. After completing this project and thinking back about it I wish that I had of include a slide or two devoted to talking about someone that was current featured on the Kiva. I would also have shown pictures of that person or persons. However it is to late now to update the presentation.
